Monday, October 19, 2009

My 23rd: A Celebration of Life

I have never really been a birthday person and have never really seen a reason to make a such big deal out of the day that one was born. This was probably because of the awkwardness that comes with you having to be in the spotlight and having to express gratitude to all those people that brought you birthday wishes, I honestly cant point out any partcular reason why i felt like this , I just did.

Somehow today inspite of myself I feel different, today at 23 I am filled with excitement at the prospects life has to offer me. Today I feel that indeed my life deserves a celebration to highlight where I have come from and all the life experiences that have moulded me into the person I am today and also a celebration of all the things that are yet to come.A celebration of all the challenges, joys,and heartaches that I cannot yet foresee as these will only make a much stronger version of the person I am today.

Today I will celebrate my family, friends, mentors and all those people I have met that have had an impact in my life, I celebrate not only the joy knowing these people has brought into my life but also the pains, the nights spent crying in the darkness, the nights spent dancing. The laughter,the feeling of belonging for all these memories I am grateful. I have loved and been loved back by people sometimes not in the easiest of circumstances, had my heart broken and broken quite a few, all these experiences have been life lessons from which I have drawn my strength.

I may not have gotten everything I have wanted in life but nobody ever does, if they did life would be to easy and yet today I am content with everything I am so far.For these reasons I today will celebrate my being and look forward with excitement to see what lies ahead of me this year starting on my 23rd.